Press Release

October 20, 2021
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The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Joins Coalition to Protect Consumers Against Dangerous Counterfeit Goods
SEMA Joins Buy Safe America Coalition to Push for Stricter Regulation Surrounding Counterfeit Automotive Parts

Washington, DC – The Buy Safe America Coalition, a diverse group of retailers, consumer groups, and manufacturers who support efforts to combat organized retail crime and protect consumers and communities from the sale of counterfeit and stolen goods, announced that the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), an automotive association comprising of over 7,300 member companies who make, buy, sell and use all kinds of specialty parts and accessories on vehicles, is joining the coalition as a new member.
“We are alarmed by the danger posed to unsuspecting consumers when they purchase what they believe to be legitimate auto parts and equipment,” said Daniel Ingber, SEMA’s Vice President of Government & Legal Affairs. “The reality is that current major sources of counterfeit products are internet consumer purchases that arrive in the United States via postal and overnight carriers. We are confident that by passing commonsense legislation like the INFORM Consumers Act, we can stop these bad actors from selling dangerous counterfeit auto parts to unsuspecting consumers.”
There has been a steep rise in the sale of counterfeit automotive parts on online marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, and Facebook, posing a threat to the safety of U.S. consumers. The coronavirus pandemic has only exacerbated the issue of counterfeit product sales, as traffic towards e-commerce has grown and current regulatory standards fail to hold third-party marketplaces accountable.
A recent study published by the Buy Safe America Coalition found that illegitimate imports entering the U.S. cost domestic retailers nearly $54.1 billion in sales annually and over 39,000 jobs in wholesaling and 280,000 retail jobs — paying over $13.6 billion in wages and benefits to workers — were lost because of counterfeit production.
SEMA represents a widespread group of members, with one of the association’s key goals being to protect automotive businesses, particularly those that have been negatively impacted by the sale of counterfeit products.

Visit for more information about the growing problem of stolen and counterfeit goods and solutions to better protect consumers and businesses.


The Buy Safe America Coalition represents a diverse group of responsible retailers, consumer groups, manufacturers, intellectual property advocates and law enforcement officials who support efforts at all levels of government to protect consumers and communities from the sale of counterfeit and stolen goods.

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About Coalition

About Coalition

The Buy Safe America Coalition represents a diverse group of responsible retailers, consumer groups, manufacturers, intellectual property advocates, and law enforcement officials who support efforts to protect consumers and communities from the sale of counterfeit and stolen goods.

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The Problem

The Problem

The marketplace today for common, everyday goods is flooded with counterfeit and stolen products. Absent reform, legitimate businesses, and consumers will continue to be harmed.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What constitutes a counterfeit product? Why aren’t major online marketplaces doing more? Answers to common questions around the issue of organized retail crime.

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